Hello there! I’m Jackie Sarah Brown and I’m an illustrator based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

My style is a mixture of bold, quirky, conceptual and surreal. I’m excited by the possibilities of drawing, and I think that uncovering something deep and profound is something that only a human touch can do. 

I am fascinated by the use of shapes, lines, textures and color to create beauty and harmony. The infinite variations and pathways create multitudes of meanings that are waiting to be found.

Projects that require working on a large scale are my favorite types of challenges. I aim to bring a vision to life in collaboration with all other aspects of a project. 

Throughout my career, I’ve worked with clients including: Google, 826 Valencia, Phil.us, Brilliant.org, NIAD Art Center, Community Health Councils, Tax-Aid, Just Transition Alliance, and more.

If you’d like to learn more about my work, I’m happy to  grab a coffee or have a virtual chat!